Trump Shows Little Respect or Civility

Respect for others, regardless of race, background, or beliefs, is another value that is deeply rooted in our LDS teachings. President Russell M. Nelson, the current President of the Church, has spoken about the importance of respect and civility:

“It behooves each of us to uphold our covenants to be kind, respectful, and loving toward all of God’s children. A true disciple of Jesus Christ is kind, civil, and compassionate.”

– General Conference, April 2021.

In contrast, Donald Trump has frequently engaged in name-calling, mockery, and divisive rhetoric. His infamous remarks about Mexicans being “rapists” during his 2015 campaign launch and his public mocking of a disabled reporter are examples of behavior that contradicts the LDS Church’s emphasis on kindness, civility, and respect for all people.

Trump does not represent LDS Values.
Consider another candidate or write in a person who reflects your LDS values.