Our LDS Church leaders have consistently stressed the importance of moral character in elected officials. President Ezra Taft Benson once said:
“If we want to maintain our freedoms, we must elect individuals who are devoted to truth and righteousness. Morality and honesty are the very foundation of our government and the fabric of society.”
– *The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, p. 667.
President Benson underscores a principle central to our LDS teachings: those who seek to lead should embody truth and moral integrity. Yet, Donald Trump’s record is fraught with examples that challenge his commitment to these values. In 2017, Trump falsely claimed that his inauguration crowd was the largest in history, despite photographic evidence to the contrary. When confronted with this discrepancy, Trump’s press secretary referred to the claim as “alternative facts.” Such actions raise concerns about honesty and transparency, values that are critical in LDS teachings.
Trump does not represent LDS Values.
Consider another candidate or write in a person who reflects your LDS values.